Discover the Man Behind ‘Dad’ & the Woman Behind ‘Mom’ with Memorygram


Record a lifetime of memories in a book

Memorygram documents stories from your loved one's past and prints them in a beautiful hardcover book to pass on for generations.

Buy today and save on our industry-leading, all-color books.

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How It Works

Step 1: Select weekly questions. Write your own questions or select from our extensive question library.

You can select up to 52 weekly questions.


Step 2: You can easily reply to weekly emails or login to our website and answer at your own pace. Photos are encouraged.

Responses and photos can be edited later if needed.


Step 3: Once all of the questions are completed, stories and photos are printed into a hardcover book.

Customize the book cover to match their personality!

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Our Books

Using the highest quality materials and custom designed covers, you will have a stylish hardcover book built to last a lifetime. 

We originally published in 6x9 inch US trade size but are now transitioning to a larger full letter 8.5×11 inch size. You can request your size when your book goes to print at no additional cost!

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Record Your Family's Legacy With Memorygram

You can get started immediately with weekly questions. Create a personalized keepsake to cherish for years.

Give the gift of Memorygram

As Featured In

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The Start Of It All

Most passionate businesses begin with a personal experience. Unfortunately in my case, it was a tragic one.

Years ago I experienced the devastating situation most people will deal with in their lifetime, the unexpected death of a loved one. Although this person was not “family” in the sense of blood relation, we were about as close as two friends could be.

I thought to myself, what happens to my mother, my father, or even my wife's legacy? A locked phone or computer with scattered photos and messages? How will their legacy live on? How will I share their stories with others?

That is why my family and I started Memorygram in Austin, TX. The goal of Memorygram was to create an affordable product where a loved one can record precious memories to pass on for generations.

I hope Memorygram serves you the warm feeling I get every time I read my parent’s stories and when my kids grow older, I will pass their legacy on to them.

Paul @ Memorygram

They Will Cherish it Forever...


What our customers are saying


Jennifer, CA

"Having my parents create a book and reading all of their stories with my family has been such a heartwarming experience. Knowing that these memories will be passed down to our children is a neat and necessary idea."

Paul C, MN

"I received Memorygram as a Christmas present. The book came out beautiful and  looks great. My family is going to love it too! "


Tim and Grace, WA 

"Our daughter bought us Memorygram as a Christmas gift. It was fun answering questions together and going through old photos. It was a journey raising a family together and reflecting on those memories was a heartwarming experience."

Some of our Inspiring Questions

You can select from our extensive question library or write your own


Your Memorygram book begins here...

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What is included in a purchase?

A login to our website to manage weekly questions and design the book. Also, one all-color hardcover book with free shipping. There are no recurring costs.

Can I add more than one storyteller?

After your purchase, you will be able to add storytellers (example: both Mom and Dad) within your account for $50 each. They can all contribute to the same book.

How quickly can I answer questions?

You can set questions to be emailed more or less frequently based on preference. You can also login and work at your own pace.

Can I edit my stories and photos later?

Memorygram allows the user to login and add or edit stories and photos at any time.

Can I customize the book cover?

You can select from our variety of cover templates and add text and photos of your choice to make the book truly yours.

Can I order additional books?

You may order additional copies now, once your book is ready or anytime after. Additional copies of our industry-leading, all-color books are $74 if you buy today or $79 later.

Making the Memorygram book truly unique

Memorygram has a PDF preview generator that shows you what the inside of the book will look like as you make changes. You can also make any final edits to the text and photos and use the PDF preview as many times as you like.

Once you approve the layout, you will select your cover design and add a photo, a title, and the author(s).

Memorygram is customer focused

We are available via email at

Our product is backed with a 7 day risk-free money back guarantee as long as no books are printed. Printed books are custom and cannot be returned. We are happy to replace defects or product issues. This policy excludes special offers.

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